A big thanks to all those people who have visited our blog over the past few weeks. This will most likely be my last post as Room 20 teacher as I am off to work for Massey University for two terms. I wish Room 20 all the best for the rest of the year and for those visitors, please feel free to leave a comment...the kids love it when you do!
Mrs Rossiter
Lytton Street School.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Winter recounts.
We have been learning to inform others through writing recounts. We have just finished writing Winter stories about a fun day out in the snow. Here are a few examples. We hope you enjoy them.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Red reading groups podcasting challenge
W.A.L.T import a photo and use podcasting...let's see how we go for our first attempt.
We are practising reading with fluency and expression in our voice.
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We are practising reading with fluency and expression in our voice.
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My Homework project
W.A.L.T inform others
L.P.'s rainbow homework project. Here is a brief description of what she has done. Mrs Rossiter thinks this is a brilliant effort and learnt two new facts about rainbows!
These are my facts that I found out about rainbows.
*Rainbows are caused by light passing through raindrops
*A rainbows at night is called a moon bow
*most rainbows are made up of 7 colours red orange yellow green blue indigo and violet
*Two rainbows can appear at once
*Some rainbows are white they are called fog bows
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Mrs Rossiter's first podcast
Hi everyone, here is my first attempt at podcasting. Now I can teach my fabulous class how to do it.
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Monday, June 8, 2009
Room 20 are learning about Respecting our Learning Environment. We have been talking about how we all have rights in our classroom but with these rights come responsibilities.
Here are some of our ideas about how we can respect our environment and what we think are our rights and responsibilities.
At home, can you give the class ideas about how others respect their environment at home? Consider this a home blog challenge? Have a go!
I have the rights to read a book but it is my responsibility to put it away.
By J K
I have the right to log on to the computer but its my responsibility to go on safe sites. by NL
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Te Manawa Recount
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Red reading groups oral challenge!
W.A.L.T use descriptive language about a character

Success Criteria -
* we can talk about the characters personality
* we can talk about what the character likes/dislikes
* we can describe the character using adjectives
We are using voice thread to describe a character from our book Madam Spry...stay posted.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Orange reading group challenge.
W.A.L.T read fluently and with expression.
Success Criteria:
* we can read as we speak
* we can change our voice sometimes.
Here is our first attempt at reading fluently.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
KT's holiday
In the holiday I went to the movie to see 17 again with my mum . The next day after that we had a day out at the shop for about 4 hours, then come back to my house. Then the day after that I went to the pool for the holiday programme for 2 days and I saw my friend. For the first day there we made t-shirts then my last day that I was there we went to the herb farm. The time that I went home was at 3:00 i walk to my mums work. On one day in the holiday I got a will when i got home my dad started it so me and my mum and dad and me could play it then we had to drop dad off at his friend's to go to play something then me and mum went to get something then came home to watch some dvd. Then I went to bed at 9:30. I had so much fun in the holidays with my mum and dad and my Nana, I had so much much fun in the holidays.
by K.T
Monday, April 27, 2009
Samantha's holiday blurb!
In the holiday's I went swimming with my friend at the Makino pools and we had fun because we saw Riley and Kate there to. My friend came to my house and stayed the night there to.We had so much fun because we took the dog for a walk to the park and had so much fun. By Samantha.
In the holidays I went to the holiday program and had lots of fun .We did some tie die t-shirts and had a 2 hour swim every day. We got a chocolate muffin,ham sandwhich,tub of fruit with a bottle of juice.By Riley.
In the holiday's I Played with my dog.She like's to jump on me.For Easter I got a easter egg and a big easter bunny.Jayde came to my house.My family played Monopoly and Scrabble.One of my fish died.By Lachlan
Monday, April 6, 2009
Welcome to Room 20's blog!!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Riley and Samantha's acrostic poem about camp
Oak trees
Highland home
Native trees
Glow worms
I had fun
By Samantha and Riley Booth.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Camp 2009 at Highland Home
Wow we went to camp. Sam liked the tramps and the earthboards. Brittaney liked the BMX bikes. I liked the damper and the leaf rubbing's.
By Brittaney, Samantha and Riley.
Everyone had a great time at camp. Everybody had a turn at everything. We all want to go again. It was spectacular. We love camp. BY KADE AND LACHLAN.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Excited about camp!!! OFF we go!!!
I'm excited about camp because I get to play on the earth-boards. By Nathan
I'm excited about riding the b.M.X bikes. By Connor
I'm excited to see earthboards at camp. By Jackson
I'm excited about camp because I get to play on the B.M.X Bikes. BY REGAN.
I'm excited about the glow worms. From Jack.
I'm excited about the earthboards From Jack Mitchell
Im excited about the glow worms. From Cole
I'm excited about the B.M.X bikes from Cameron
I can't wait to see the BMX BIKES. BY DANTE.
I'm looking forward to going to camp because I want to know what earthboards are .By Lachlan.
I'm looking foward to go to camp because I want to ride the B.M.X bike'!. by Brody.
Camp is going to be lots of fun and it is my first time going on camp. By Dominic.
I can't wait for camp because I am going to see the glow-worms.By Hamish.
I am so looking forward to camp because of the earth-boards, B.M.X bikes and sleeping the
night by Kade.
I am going to be nervous at camp because it's the first time I have stayed away from mum and dad. by Jayde
I am looking forward to going into the bush and learning about it. This is the first time I have gone on camp. By Johny
I am looking forward to seeing the glowworms. I have never seen them before. I am really excited about gong to camp. By Whaiora
Friday, February 27, 2009
Dr Seuss Collage Art
We are learning to use collage for effect.
First we got our stuff organised and got our paper ready.
Then we ripped the coloured paper into little bits and stuck it on. After that we did some painting. Next we got some paper and used it for effect. Then we went through and made sure the paper was glued on well. After we had another check and filled in all the gaps. We used more collage then paint. It took a very long to get it finished but it was fun.
by Riley, Brittaney, Lachlan. Kade and Samantha
This is the very first Room 20 blog for 2009. We are very excited about being able to record our learning here, where others can learn about us too. Stay posted for more exciting information about what we are doing daily.
Room 20
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