Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Te Manawa Recount

By NL, CE and BK

We are learning to INFORM OTHERS 
Your challenge is to pick a ICT tool to inform others about our trip to Te Manawa in Palmerston North.

Here are the tools that we can choose from:-
* Kid Pix
* Wordle
* Voice Thread
* Vocaroo
* Comic Life
* Typed recount

by BGM, LE and RL and WN

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Red reading groups oral challenge!

W.A.L.T use descriptive language about a character
Success Criteria - 
* we can talk about the characters personality
* we can talk about what the character likes/dislikes
* we can describe the character using adjectives

We are using voice thread to describe a character from our book Madam Spry...stay posted.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hamish is learning to read clearly

WALT  read clearly.

Orange reading group challenge.

W.A.L.T read fluently and with expression.
Success Criteria:
* we can read as we speak
* we can change our voice sometimes.

Here is our first attempt at reading fluently.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Yellow reading groups reading challenge!

W.A.L.T read fluently and with expression.